International Export

Our International Export division handles the exportation of products or services to other countries. For a real estate development company like B.A.F.E Group, LLC, this involves exporting expertise, technology, and products related to eco-friendly affordable homes.


Credit Insurance for International Export Partners

Through our partnership with Export-Import Bank of the US, we can mitigate the risk of taking on new international partners by offering Export Credit Insurance on shipments up to $100,000.

For those seeking Export Credit, follow the steps below to see how much your company qualifies for in Export Credit.


In-House Credit Application

For self-sustaining foreign buyers looking to buy US products and services on terms directly from B.A.F.E Group, follow these steps:

Step #1

Verify that your country is on the schedule and what term limits are available to your organization.


Step #2

Complete a Trade Reference Sheet and KYC Verification for your organization and its' responsible party.

Trade ReferenceKYC Verification

Step #3

Use the link below to return your completed Trade Reference Sheet and all supporting documents 

Email Documents

Step #4

Consult with a B.A.F.E representative to compile your first order.  Requires a 50% downpayment.

Initial Consultation

Step #5

Upon receipt and acceptance of order at destination port, repayment timeline begins.

Repayment Terms

Step #6

Payoff your initial order.  Schedule a consultation for a 5% discount off subsequent orders.

Subsequent Orders


Export Credit provided By EXIM Bank of the US

One of its key offerings is financing for foreign buyers through various programs such as export credit insurance, working capital guarantees, and direct loans to foreign buyers. These financing options help facilitate trade by providing assurance and financial support to foreign buyers purchasing American goods and services.

Financing Foreign Buyers

EXIM Bank's financing can be an attractive option for foreign buyers facing high borrowing rates in their own countries. By borrowing from EXIM Bank at potentially lower interest rates, foreign buyers can make purchases from U.S. exporters more affordable and competitive. This can be especially beneficial for large-scale purchases or long-term projects where financing costs can significantly impact the overall cost. The decision to borrow from EXIM Bank ultimately rests with the foreign buyer, and they may opt for alternative financing or use their own resources if it makes more sense for their situation.

Private Buyers

Under foreign buyer's financing, the products must have at least 85% US content. For small to medium size deals less than $10M USD, foreign buyer's financing is generally done through Specialized Lenders wherein EXIM Bank would provide a GUARANTEE to that "Specialized Lender". The loan relationship will be exclusively between the Foreign Buyer and the "Specialized Lender". B.A.F.E Group, LLC has no role in the lending relationship. Please note that the Specialized Lenders would typically require 3 years of revenue producing, audited financial statements.

Government Buyers

If the foreign buyer borrower is the Government, please note that we do not deal with "county" level government agencies.  We only deal with the Federal Government level.  EXIM will require an indication of host government support, for the application from an appropriate government authority, i.e.. The Ministry of Finance (MoF).  Letter to indicate that they are aware and provide sovereign support on the project, and that they have set aside in their budget, an amount to repay the loan. 

Letter to be sent to:

Rita Murrell | Deputy Vice President
Global Infrastructure Division
Sovereign | Financial Institutions
Export-Import Bank of the United States
811 Vermont Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20571
Tel: 202.565.3712 | Mobile 202.344.7076
[email protected]

Letter has no particular format per se

Categories We Export










